torsdag 28. oktober 2010

My travel blog, POST 4.

Hello all my friends!

I have now been in Los Angeles for 3 days, and I have one more to go before my journey ends. I have had some incredible days here, it has been sun and no clouds during all three days and I have experienced a lot of things that I will never forget.
What I noticed at first is that Los Angeles, in contrast to New York, is not full of skyscrapers. In New York it was skyscrapers everywhere. Here in Los Angeles it’s just skyscrapers in a district called Downtown.
I have also visited another district in Los Angeles. I’m sure you have heard of Hollywood! Hollywood is famous worldwide for their film production, this because of the stabile weather and the variable nature. Yesterday we visited a museum, where all the movies which were filmed here was shown. Some of the movies I saw there was; Drag me to hell, Hancock, American pie and Spider-Man.
Hollywood is also known for the big Hollywood sign, which is a sign made my 9 meters long and 15 meters high letters. We took a walk up to the sign earlier today, and I was surprised when I saw how big it really is in real. We have also seen the Walk of Fame. It is a street where a lot of famous celebrities is marked in the pavement. I saw for example Michael Jackson there, with a lot of candlelight and roses around. I guess it’s because of his death.
Now I am so exhausted, that I think I shall go to bed.
By the way; I think this will be my last post, I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog for now  J  

My travel blog, POST 3.

Heey all my readers! 

Sorry for not blogging the last two days. I have simply not had time. I can start by telling you where I am right now. Be careful not to be blown away! I am in California! The flag of the state is green, gold and yellow. The colours represent olive trees (green), orange groves (gold) and vineyards (red).  We flew all the way down here yesterday. The ex actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger’s state. California has 36 millions habitants and the biggest city, in which I am now, is Los Angeles. As far as I can see it is a very nice city, south in California. I am going to stay here for 4 days before my journey keeps on.
Some famous landmarks in Los Angeles are Chinatown, Koreatown, Little Tokyo, Walt Disney Concert Hall and the big Hollywood sign Theatre. I am really looking forward to see and learn more about these landmarks. 

My travel blog, POST 2

Hey guys!

Now I am at MC Donalds, blogging from my iphone. You may remember what I told you about big hamburgers? I have now a burger big as a football in front of me. As well as burgers, the bottle of soda is also enormous; I think it’s around 2 litres of coke! Besides all de information about the huge burger, I have also done other things today. In the morning we ate breakfast. We got some doo nuts, but I refused to eat sugar in the morning so I preferred dark bread instead. The food culture in USA is quit special. The typical food is donuts, burgers, pizza and apple-pie. The waiter at our hotel told me that this food originally came to USA through immigrants and started to be a part of the American culture more than hundred years ago. For example the pizza and the burgers actually came with the Germans and the Italians.

After breakfast we went to Times Square, maybe the most famous street in the world. It was incredible to be there in real life, after just seen it on TV. In Times Square I did some shopping before me and my family went to Central Park to relax. Central park is the biggest park in New York. It’s like a big green square in the centre of the city. I think many big cities in the world could teach from that park. It is very nice to relax in a kind of forest after a hard day in a life full of stress.

- See you later

My travel blog, POST 1
Finally I am on my way to travel the USA. The country where it all happens. The American flag is red, blue and white. Did you know that that is the colours of  peace?  The flag has also fifty small stars, one for every state. The flight took about 13 hours before we landed in New York, more precisely stated Newark. The flight didn’t take long because I watched movies all the way. Right now I am blogging from my hotel room in New York. The city famous from TV, movies, celebrities and more. I have always thought that everything in USA is big. The people is big; both fatty and muscular. The cities are big, the marked of goods is big and of course the hamburgers are big. I am looking forward to see if I am right.
Our (Me, mum, dad and by younger brother) hotel room is very nice. It is at the seventeenth floor. The hotel is in Brooklyn, which is one of five districts in New York. From here it is an incredible view. I can for example see the Statue of Liberty from her. It is a statue given from France, as a symbol of their friendship. When I look down I can see all the busy people and the traffic, just as you see in movies from America. It’s a lot of people in the streets. Did you know that there are over 8 million people living in New York? That’s almost the double of inhabitants compared to Norway. Inside our apartment it’s very nice. It all locks very modern.
The time is now 8 in the evening her, so I soon have to go to sleep. Our plans for tomorrow is to visit the Statue of Liberty, some museums, walk in the streets and I have to buy a toothbrush, because I managed to forget mine at home.

 See you!