torsdag 28. oktober 2010

My travel blog, POST 1
Finally I am on my way to travel the USA. The country where it all happens. The American flag is red, blue and white. Did you know that that is the colours of  peace?  The flag has also fifty small stars, one for every state. The flight took about 13 hours before we landed in New York, more precisely stated Newark. The flight didn’t take long because I watched movies all the way. Right now I am blogging from my hotel room in New York. The city famous from TV, movies, celebrities and more. I have always thought that everything in USA is big. The people is big; both fatty and muscular. The cities are big, the marked of goods is big and of course the hamburgers are big. I am looking forward to see if I am right.
Our (Me, mum, dad and by younger brother) hotel room is very nice. It is at the seventeenth floor. The hotel is in Brooklyn, which is one of five districts in New York. From here it is an incredible view. I can for example see the Statue of Liberty from her. It is a statue given from France, as a symbol of their friendship. When I look down I can see all the busy people and the traffic, just as you see in movies from America. It’s a lot of people in the streets. Did you know that there are over 8 million people living in New York? That’s almost the double of inhabitants compared to Norway. Inside our apartment it’s very nice. It all locks very modern.
The time is now 8 in the evening her, so I soon have to go to sleep. Our plans for tomorrow is to visit the Statue of Liberty, some museums, walk in the streets and I have to buy a toothbrush, because I managed to forget mine at home.

 See you!

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